Weekly Commodity Price Report

General service terms and conditions

We at myCEPPI are continuously analyzing and evaluating the Central and Eastern European polymer market prices and its trends. The collected information and conclusions are being summarized in the Weekly Commodity Price Report. The report gives you a subtle insight on what is happening on the market, supports deeper understanding of the reasons behind market movements and could confirm your thoughts when having doubts.

The WCPR is being published online until Monday morning. Usually that means that you have access to the freshest issue on Sunday evening already, endorsing you to start a week with more information. Every month on week 1-3. the main focus of the report is the price evaluation and on the 4. week it is published as a monthly forecast.

Regional and sub-regional price information

In the WCPR the Central and Eastern European (CE) price information is available on the level of country groups:

North Central Europe (NCE): Baltics States, Poland
Middle of Central Europe (MCE): Czech Republic. Slovak Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia
South Central Europe (SCE): Bulgaria, Serbia, Montenegro, Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Albania
Eastern Central Europe (ECE): Ukraine, Moldova
Central European Average (CE): Weighted average of sub-regional prices (weight: yearly demand)

Data providers and the provided data

Local resin manufacturers: FCA prices
Multinational resin producers: DDU/DDP prices
Traders, distributors: List prices, FCA
Local plastics converters: Purchasing prices, without discounts (middle size)

The prices might seem to be mixed in terms of parity, however these all mean a price typical on a certain market, the differences in parities result from the characteristics of the player concerned. The prices always refer to a full truck load (20-22.5 tons).

Examined polymer types

We collect and analyze the prices of the following product groups:


  • HDPE Film
  • HDPE Pipe (100)
  • rHDPE IM
  • LDPE Film
  • rLDPE
  • LLDPE C4
  • (m)LLDPE (C6)


  • PPC
  • PPH IM
  • PPH Raffia
  • PPR
  • rPP


  • EPS
  • GPPS
  • HIPS
  • ABS
  • rGPPS


  • PET Bottle Grades
  • rPET


  • PVC

The meaning of the individual price information

There are 3 types of price information in our publications.

Low prices (€): the lowest price found in the segment concerned during that week
Average prices (€): average of the prices found in the segment
High prices (€): the highest price in the segment

Information is collected partially in local currencies, partially in EUR. However, prices are published in EUR in every case. During the conversion we use the conversion tool of OANDA website (http://www.oanda.com/currency/converter/).

Information collection

The data for the WCPR is being collected during Monday to Friday every week by online, phone or personal discussions with numerous partners who are active players on the Central and Eastern European polymer market. That contains manufacturers, distributors, traders, converters and other industry suppliers from every regional country.

Publication form

The Weekly Commodity Price Report is being published every Sunday until 10:00 pm, through 52 weeks. Issues are being numbered according to their actual number of the weeks in the calendar. The report is available in 3 languages: English, Hungarian and Polish.

Every week the WCPR contains a detailed written market evaluation and an Excel sheet with the actual and retrospective polymer prices. Graphs are also available via the website or applications which are helpful to draw the market trends.

The WCPR is accessible by clicking on the link, which is being sent to you in a password protected e-mail to your given e-mail address. Or directly via https://www.myceppi.com/en/my_account after login.

The WCPR is also available via mobile phone application. The myCEPPI application can be downloaded from the Appstore and Google play.

Download from AppStore:

Download from Google Play:


®myCeppi Kft. All rights reserved. The Weekly Commodity Price Report shall not, partially or as a whole, be reproduced, or communicated in any form or in any sense, electronically or mechanically, including public presentations or courses, any web-based communication, any form of photocopying, recording or any information transfer without the written permission of myCEPPI Kft.

The data shared with you here originate from sources deemed to be reliable. However human or electronical errors cannot be excluded and due to this the completeness and accuracy of the opinions and analyses in the text are not guaranteed. For this reason, myCeppi Kft. is not liable for mistakes, omissions and losses that could be based on these communications, or for any financial loss or extra costs that could incur on the basis of any of the pieces of information used here.


Subscription of the WCPR is available on 36 months, 24 months, 12 months, 6 months and 3 months basis and can also be divided for certain polymer types individually. Ask for the detailed price offer from our colleagues.

Terms of sale

  • These products are available only by subscription. All package contains general analysis part as well.
  • The whole Weekly Commodity Price Report is accessible in 3 ways.
  • Payment in full prior to delivery of the reports by electronic mail.
  • The subscriber has to handle the contents of this service as confidential, not to be revealed to any person outside the buyer’s organization. And certify that solely our officers and employees and/or those of its majority‐owned subsidiaries will use the content.
  • The service can be ordered with simplified SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT
  • The subscription will take effect upon payment of the subscription fee.

myCEPPI company details

  • Company name: MyCeppi Kft
  • Registered offices: Hungary, H-1085 Budapest, József körút 69.
  • Name of the Registry Court: Company Court of the Budapest-Capital Regional Court
  • Registration number: 01-09-273768
  • Tax number: 24067067-2-42
  • EU VAT number: HU24067067
  • Name of the account keeping bank: Kereskedelmi és Hitelbank Zrt. (K&H Bank Zrt.)
  • Bank account numbers:
    IBAN: HU02 10402757-50526684-66481009
    IBAN: HU07 10402757-50526684-66481016

Validity of general terms and conditions
